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國家印象系列 - 旅遊氣泡
National Impression Series - Travel Bubbles


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旅遊氣泡(Travel Bubbles)是指疫情受控的國家組成「氣泡」,透過協議在確保安全的前提下,旅客可以在協議地區之間旅遊或工作,入境後無須進行隔離,用以恢復國際交流。


Travel Bubbles refers to the "bubbles" formed by countries where the epidemic is under control. Through agreements, on the premise of ensuring safety, travelers can travel or work between the agreed areas, and they do not need to be quarantined after entry to resume international exchanges.

The bubbles of hope float with the breath, bursting humorously to spread the black all over the place.

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